For all Volumes, Needs and Budgets

Large Format Scanner Details

Nexus offers a wide range of large-format scanning solutions to fit any environment and collection, whether the material consists of books, oversized documents, manuscripts, maps, blueprints or a combination.

Use this chart to determine which scanner size is needed to fit your material then choose from the list of options below to find your ideal scanner.

Click on the chart to view a more detailed list of A-series and ANSI paper sizes.

ROWE Scan 450i – Large Format Scanner

Developed and manufactured in Germany, the ROWE Scan 450i large format scanner series provides streamlined capture of oversized and wide format loose materials such as maps, blueprints, posters, newspapers and more.

ROWE Scan 850i – Large Format Scanner

The ROWE Scan 850i large format scanner with six models and future-proof technology stands for innovation, productivity and numerous patents.

ROWE VarioFold – Compact Folding Machine

For those with production folding needs of large format media prints, the ROWE VarioFold Compact Folding Machine allows users to work with or independently of a printer system thanks to its modular construction. This is the first folding machine worldwide that can be extended from offline to online with minimum outlay, even after it has already been put into operation. This guarantees you maximum security for your investment.

Offline Advantages

Online Advantages

Zeutschel OS 12002 V

Zeutschel OS 12002 Bookcopy

Zeutschel OS 12002 Comfort

Zeutschel OS 14000 TT

Zeutschel OS 12000 A1

Zeutschel OS 14000 A1

Meet and Exceed Expectations

Let a Nexus representative assess your individual needs and determine which book scanning system fits all requirements. We offer over a dozen different options designed to fit every environment, from patron to back-office settings; on-demand to production-level and robotic scanning; office copying to archival preservation; and more.

What is a large-format scanner?

A large-format scanner is an imaging system capable of digitizing oversized materials. Oversized material is usually considered to be anything larger than 8.5” x 11” (A4) and can include maps, blueprints, manuscripts, etc.

What size scanner do I need?

To determine the maximum scan area required, find the largest item in your collection and measure its length and width. (If the material is a bound volume, lay it flat with the pages open and measure the full width across both pages). Then compare that measurement with our A-series paper size chart to decide which size scanner is right for your digitization project.