Aperture Card Scanners
Turn Aperture Cards Into Easily Accessed Digital Images

C400 Advanced Aperture Card Scanner
- NEW! Double the card hopper capacity of the previous model (150 cards to 300 cards) for increased efficiency and automation
- NEW! Enhanced camera and light source for excellent image quality and clarity
- NEW! Updated internal design for improved serviceability, resulting in quick and infrequent maintenance
- Affordable
- High-quality images at full resolution
- Hollerith (punch) data is automatically read and used to select drawing sizes and file names, if required
- On-demand and batch scanning modes included as standard feature
- Virtual rescan automatically reprocesses the scanned image with alternative imaging parameters, eliminating the need for rescans
- Capable of scanning any ISO aperture card with no extras or modifications to purchase In-software

UScan+ HD Advanced
- NEW! 20 MP high resolution USB3 image sensor
- NEW! 40% faster batch scanning capabilities
- View, scan, save and share images from microfilm, microfiche, aperture cards, film negatives and more
- Scan, print or save in color, grayscale or bitonal capture
- Up to 2400 dpi resolution
- Customizable quick-start menu
- USB 3.0 connectivity
- ILL (Interlibrary Loan) Compatible
- Flexible output options: file save; network; USB; print; email; cloud; Dropbox; Google Drive
- Two built-in USB ports
- Standard features: touchscreen compatibility; manual and motorized roll film pods*; smart edit; annotation; timed auto-capture for film and fiche; Rapidscan batch scanning; opaque microcard template
- Scanner options: 3M adapter; vendor interface kit (pay-per-use); OCR searchable text capabilities; foot pedal; low-level platen handle; manual roll film winding handle; microfilm spool adapter; monitor stand; cleaning kit